
& Partnerships

Did you know that recycled glass is of value in the circular economy?



What we do for our clients.

Glass collection services

Are you a bar, restaurant or hotel? Would you like to partner with us to collect your glass packaging waste, diverting it from landfills and ensuring a green endpoint?

Returnable glass bottle system

Are you a registered food and beverage manufacturing company using returnable glass bottles but unable to recover your bottles for reuse? We have a solution for you.

Glass waste recovery and
recycling services

Are you a waste collection company who segregates your waste with no solution for your glass waste? Partner with bottle logistics to recycle your glass waste.



We are pioneers in transforming the glass waste industry.

Want to sponsor a glass bank?

A glass bank is a glass drop off centre where consumers can drop off their glass bottles for recycling. You can support a glass bank project as part of your Corporate social responsibility.

Bottle logistics specializes in
efficiently recovering industrial
and post-consumer glass waste and
processes it into highly refined glass
cullet, glass aggregate and clean
reusable bottles for respective
brand owners.

Bottle Logistics 2025. All Rights Reserved.